Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2 hours or more

you must be sure to smoke only when you physiologically must smoke!!!!  Though this plan is to reduce to a set number of cigarettes a day..that does not mean you need to smoke that total number of cancer sticks...

if the goal is 10 but you spread them apart either by specific 2 hour intervals or by physiological need and only then smoke  8...then great!!!!

you should NOT be squeezing in an extra cig at 7 pm because you have not smoked them all ?????
who fooling who here? whats being accomplished????

if attempting to decrease intake of nicotine..the idea is to stretch the self destructive behavior as far apart as possible...

if you set specific time frames you WILL smoke less...you will feel your body experiencing withdrawal symptoms...these mildly unpleasant symptoms are a positive indication that your body is trying to help you adjust to a lower level of nicotine...work with your poor body as hard as it is working for you to be healthy!

keep increasing your time intervals and you WILL smoke less. however remember to only smoke when you physically NEED to smoke to minimize withdrawal symptoms...

your reduced levels of nicotine will decrease the withdrawal naturally and increase interval times before withdrawal symptoms occur....

great now do it!

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